Dr. Tejashri S. Bhalerao
BAMS (Mumbai)
Monday to Saturday – morning 11:00 am to evening 7:00 pm (At Girgaon Branch)
streeroga and cosmetology

Dr. Pratibha Hinge
M.D. Ayu.
Thursday:11 am to 5 pm (At Kndivali Branch)
We offer effective treatment in following promblems :
STREEROGA :- (Gynaecological diseases)This branch of Ayurveda deals with streeroga i.e.problems related with the reproductive system of females.
E.g : • PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) • DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) • Menorrhaegia • Metrorrhaegia • Infertility • Post menopausal syndrome etc.
1) PCOD – It is the syndrome i.e. collection of many symptoms ; it is seen in reproductive age of women i.e.(14-35 yr).Many younger,teenager girls are suffering from PCOD now a days.
It includes symptoms like : • Irregular menses • Scanty flow with pain during menses • Obesity • Irritability • mood swing etc.
We offer effective ayurvedics treatment for this.
In Ayurveda it is included in ‘Yonivyapada’.According to patients condition chikitsa i.e.treatment is decided. Panchakarma like Basti,Shirodhara, Vamana are showing very effective results.
2) BAALROGA – i.e.pediatrics
This special branch of Ayurveda deals with diseases of pediatric age.
Eg : • Delayed milestone • retarded growth , • pediatric asthma are some examples which are effectively cured by ayurvedic medicines.

Dr. Gautamsinh Jadeja
Everyday:11 am to 5 pm (At Kndivali Branch)
This branch deals with diseases related to bones and joints.
Eg: • osteoarthritis • Gout • Rheumatic arthritis • Joint pain
Before replacing your joints try out our ancient therapy which includes many ayurvedic herb with panchakarma.Katibasti , Janubasti , Basti , Pindasweda , are some eg.of effective karmas in this branch.

Dr. Abhishek Ghorpade
M.D. Ayu.
Monday-8 AM to 11 AM Friday- 5 PM to 8 PM(At Kndivali Branch)
Lifestyle Diseases
India is going to be Capital of Diabetes .This is not the reward but something that we should ashamed of . So Prevent such diseases using ayurvedic treatment .
We offer effective treatment for - • Diabetes • Hypertension • Liver disorders • Problems related with digestive system. • Insomnia

Dr. Nitish Shukla
M.D. Ayu.
Sunday- 8 AM to 11 AM and Tuesday- 5 PM to 8 PM(At Kndivali Branch)
Anorectal Diseases
As we all know ayurveda has effective treatment against these problems which can save you from painful surgeries.
We have treatment for – • Fistula • Piles • Fissure • Proctitis etc.

Dr. Pooja Shetty
M.D. Ayu.
Sunday:11 am to 5 pm(At Kndivali Branch)
In this competitive world you should have knowledge as well as personality.
Problems affecting your beauty like • acne (pimples), • Dandruff , • Hair fall, • Sunburns , • discolouraton of skin etc. can be cured by Ayurveda.Nasya , shirodhara are some options to treat such problems.

Dr. Adweya Dalvi
Wed-8 AM to 11 AM(At Kndivali Branch)
Allergic Diseases
In this polluted world our sensitive body sometimes react against pollutatns like pollens , smoke, soap etc
• Chronic resparetory tract infection • Food allergy • Metal allergy • Urticarial • Allergic asthma are some examples
Ayurveda has many effective drugs n therapies to fight with these problems .some rasaynas like chyvanprash, chitrak haritaki ;panchkarma like virechan, raktamokshan showing good

Dr. Praveen Tuppad
Sat-8 AM to 11 AM and Wed-5 PM to 8 PM(At Kndivali Branch)
Skin Diseases
Our skin is one of the most important part of our immunity system.it is continuously fighting against pollution, sunrays,smoke,etc.
So it is very easily gets affected resulting in various diseases like • Psoriasis • Eczema • Fungal infections • Dermatitis etc.
Virechana, raktamokshana, application of many lepas and oils are very effective for these problems.